this is not a picture of my baby, although my baby should look like this now. it's crazy to think that in less than eight weeks i'll be a mom of two children. plenty of stuff is happening right now with the holiday season in full swing, two weddings, a baby & a bridal shower, a birthday party and of course all of the family gift exchanges to keep my mind off of being so darn pregnant.
so during my ob appointment today, i found out that my sweet babe is head down (rock on) and although i am measuring right on time, it's pretty unlikely that i'd go full term. excellent news seeing that we have my brother-in-laws wedding just three days after my edd in which my darling baby kylinn is a flower girl. not to mention that i'm pretty much over being pregnant at this point anyway. i've gained 19 pounds so far and feeling rather boobielicious and i fear that my ass is not capable of expanding any further without spontaneously combusting.
on top of all of that, my new carpet (yay!) should be in by next week, and my basement should be dri-locked by the twentieth. we can't wait to get our christmas tree up and start decorating, so as soon as the carpet is in we'll be hanging stockings. right now my house feels so barren and jewish as the only thing we have up are some pretty candles. oy veh. i'm schvitzing just thinking about all of the chachkes that we still have to shlep out.
If you want to be more festive, I could always bring over our menorah and make some latkes and we can celebrate the Festival of Lights.
please don't forget the challah.
and lisa, don't you think that it's at all possible that i could have suddenly become terribly wealthy? no no. the baby is quite healthy and happy and actually had the hiccups when we were listening to the heartbeat today. it was cute.
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