Thursday, December 15, 2005

starbucks oracle

i'm sorry, i just still think this is funny.


Sarah said...

Okay I don't remember what it said I was before, but now it says I'm a stripper. WTF. If I was a stripper, I think I'd have a ton of money and be able to spend my time at better places than Starbucks.

Or, I'd be a total skank ho and I'd be way to low-brow for Starbucks and getting my coffee at the gas station, and topping it off with a little something from my flask.

Or I wouldn't eat or drink and just live on cocaine.

How rude. At least call me an "escort".

Meagan Vanover, CWP said...

I'm a pseudo-intellectual pothead whom everyone thinks is clueless.

Lauren said...

Yet another "Classic Sarah's pie-hole moment"

Meagan Vanover, CWP said...


Behold the Oracle's wisdom:

Either you can't type or you mumble incoherently. If you actually walked into Starbucks and said you wanted a "poop" the employees would point and laugh. A reaction you're probably used to. Try again, this time input something that Starbucks actually serves.