Tuesday, April 17, 2007

what did you want to be when you grew up?

after realizing that i could not be madonna, i wanted to be a dentist.


Jeremy said...


Something I still would like to do.

lisa said...

In elementary school, a garbage collector. In middle school, a bag lady. And for a brief time in between, an armpit sniffer.... dont ask...

Lindsay said...

Back in the day, I wanted to be a pediatric oncologist. Then I got to college and realized I was tired of school. 12 more years sounded like a really bad idea. Now I've decided on something that will probably require the same amount of school by the time I'm done, and I'll make less money. (Perhaps college made me dumber...) But at least with this I can get a job in my field (someday) and not have to do all that school consecutively. In the meantime, I've mastered "Thank you for calling [insert company name], how may I direct your call?" Yeah. I have an exciting job.

Meagan Vanover, CWP said...

armpit sniffer?

obviously you have never been 5'3" for an extended period of time. by middle school, you were probably already 6'11"

my height puts me at precisely the right height for the average mans armpit. i honestly gag when i am in a crowded subway, elevator, dance floor, etc.

Nicol said...

Designer … architect, clothing, interior… it did not matter.

I used to sketch EVERYTHING when I was younger

In 9th or 10th grade it was suggested to me that I find a class other than architecture, because I was not able to draw a straight line, even with a ruler!

Now, when I grow up I want to be a free lance photographer and a writer... some day...

R said...

okay, so what did the ADD girl NOT want to be.

princess (but realized that i had to marry a prince)
tom cruises estranged adopted daughter
fighter jet pilot (but then realized since my eyes are never ever ever ever going to see 2020 even with laser surgery which i am not eligible for my eyes are that bad)
the discoverer of the cure for aids AND cancer (i was very motivated)
hsir stylist
now i think i will be going back to school for either PT, PA, or nursing.

with being a yogi, photographer, owner of a yarn store on the side.

R said...

anyone else dyslexic with these stupid word verification?

Jeremy said...

The funny thing is, now that I'm all grown up, all I want to be is a kid again!

Meagan Vanover, CWP said...

most of the time it takes multiple tries to get the verification correct.

i usually swear and yell, "i typed that friggin' H!"

Sarah said...

Linds - your childhood dream was to get a pediatric oncologist? Wowza.

I wanted to be either (a) a waitress, (b) a mommy or (c) the first woman president.

I accomplished Life Dream A at the fabulous age of 15, B at 28.

So much for C.

Sarah said...

Oh and I really wanted to marry Tom Cruise. Glad that one didn't work out.