I missing something obvious? What is the new chapter in your life? "Welcome Back friends"? Patriotic cartoons? Wait, are you now a Dem!? Woo Hoo.. Clinton/Obama 08'! Sweet.
never. i will never be a donkey. i am not a jackass. haha. i may dabble in the center, but i could never cross over to the dark side. even though i am totally voting for obama at this point.
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6 comments: I missing something obvious? What is the new chapter in your life? "Welcome Back friends"? Patriotic cartoons?
Wait, are you now a Dem!? Woo Hoo.. Clinton/Obama 08'!
Do tell...
never. i will never be a donkey. i am not a jackass. haha. i may dabble in the center, but i could never cross over to the dark side. even though i am totally voting for obama at this point.
rather, this post is for my neighbor jj...
Woooo..."the dark side"!
Dude, I so want Obam's to win too.
Neighbor gossip! Do tell...if you can.
I don't get it.
But then again, maybe that's the point.
a year ago, my neighbors and i adopted a moratorium on publishing neighborhood gossip.
we still, however, continue to say whatever the hell we feel, whenever the hell we feel.
because that's just what we do.
I didn't get it, but now I do.
There goes the neighborhood.
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