Tuesday, January 09, 2007

it's not too late to get in on the action!

we still have a few remaining squares to guess baby vanover's gender and due date. if you're interested, just let us know. there's some fat cash up for grabs.

with kylinn, i read all of the wives tales and assumed that i was having a boy. i didn't have any type of feeling or dreams or whatever, i just decided that that's what it was. with this pregnancy it's the same thing... nothing. so even though we have to wait a few more weeks, i've decided to post the results of this quiz, just for fun.

60% chance of a boy (with both kids!)

and as far as the chinese gender chart they're both girls.

regardless, this pregnancy thing is getting old.


Sarah said...

fine fine fine...we'll buy the square.

Jeremy said...

I'm not buying any squares, but I am going to predict that you'll go into labor by this Sunday and that you will have another girl.

I'm confident that one of those two predictions will come true, but probably not.

Erica said...

Hey...I hope everything is going well with you!! I'm excited for you guys...and I would LOVE to hear the news on if it's a boy or girl and what day you have the baby!! :) So someone better tell me when the exciting day comes...lol. Hope to see you when I'm at Aimee's in the near future...

Meagan Vanover, CWP said...

hi erica!
i've set up a mass-email list to send out as soon as we can. and don't worry, you're on it! i'll have my sister send it out with some pictures (hopefully!)

Sarah said...

dude. that's presumptuous. what if something better comes up - i'm not leaving my front-row cirque du soleil tickets unless it's head his literally sticking out.

not really. of course i'll send your email. you know me - i always bend to your will.

Meagan Vanover, CWP said...

presumptuous? no, no, not me.

i know you're my b.... est friend.

no. the honest truth in the matter, sarah, is that sometimes i think that you're even more excited about this little baby than i am. :) and that is something that i just love.

now the cirque thing.... that's another story :P

daedra said...

As long as Sarah isn't at a Michael Bolton on ice "performance" that day you should be ok. She's such a tard!
She probably totally digs Brian Boitano (she'll probably have to correct how I spelled that)

Meagan Vanover, CWP said...


you have no idea how miserable it was to grow up (in a very small house) being forced to listen to michael bolton cassettes.


Erica said...

Hey Meagan! Awesome...I didn't know about the mass email w/ pix!! Well I'm excited...and whenever I am at Aimee's after u have the baby I will definitely have to come over and see Ky and the new baby. Hope you've been feeling ok :)

Jeremy said...

See, I'm already out one prediction.

Jeremy said...

and there is number two.

just as I predicted, I was completely wrong!