Your Baby: Preparing For Labor
Fully developed and ready for birth, your baby will weigh somewhere between 6 and 9 pounds and will measure between 18 and 21 inches in length. When labor starts, your baby's body shifts gears to prepare for the journey. The fluid in the lungs is absorbed, airing out the lungs in preparation for breathing. The fetal hormones are on the rise to help maintain blood pressure and blood sugar levels after birth. Lastly, the baby represses his breathing movements in order to gather energy for delivery.
My Recent Check-up
Height of fundus: 38
Blood Pressure: 100/60
Weight Gain: 25 pounds
Heart rate: 140
Effacement: 0%
Dialation: 3 cm
Station: -3
Effacement: 0%
Dialation: 3 cm
Station: -3
I have another appointment later today...
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