Tuesday, June 27, 2006

two years old

my god it hit me like a brick wall. my sweet little girl is now a wailing screaming "mine" machine. unfortunately for me (and most of my neighborhood) i was forced to take her to our association meeting last night as adam was going to be home late. i bribed. i brought crayons and snacks. i brought toys. and yet we still ended up running down the hallways instead of sitting in the meeting.

the funny thing is, for some reason i chose to read my aap book today and the chapter on two-to-three year olds... and you know what it said? "do not expect a child of this age to sit through a lengthy town meeting... alleviate situations that will frustrate the both of you." damn. day late, a dollar short.

(me: circa 1982)

1 comment:

Nicol said...

Guess who's birthday it is today??


I think some jokes are needed!