Friday, June 09, 2006

flower seeds

my baptisia australis (false indigo) has gone to seed and i will be harvesting the pods in the next week. if anyone is interested, i will give some to you so that you can plant them this fall.

b. australis is a sub-shrub that has lacy green foliage and long purple spikes of flowers. it grows to about 3 feet wide by 3 feet tall. and yes, it is a perennial

later on i will also have colombine, black-eyed susan and echninacea (purple cone flower). just let me know.


Meagan Vanover, CWP said...

wow. i think those were the ones from my sisters apartment- more like 5 or 6 years ago.

and listen- you also took my hollyhocks which were lovely, too.

not everything goes crazy- just wildflowers!

R said...

yeah! you know i would love some. hmmmm...wondering where to plant them.....
and, if anyone is interested, i have a TON of tomato, basil, cilantro, hotpepper, and zinnia baby plants left over if anyone wishes....

R said...

oh. please either email me or blog me regarding hints on how to gather, save, and store seeds from my plants. thanks!

Meagan Vanover, CWP said...

most seeds can just be packed into a little newspaper envelope (ooh! recycle!) so that they can dry out over time.

b.e. susans, coneflower, daisy, etc can just be deadheaded and the whole head can be plopped in a bag and sprinkled out in the spring.

i'd love some of your seedlings

R said...
