Friday, June 09, 2006

blooms, et al.

my sister-in-law (god love her) is absolutely crazy. she has the most amazing obsessive personality and puts all of her energy into one enormous project at a time. lately she has been inspired to garden, and she and i have been chatting regularly now that i can talk about something that temporarily interests her. (she usually loses focus and drifts off unless it's a conversation that she started... and even then... so did i tell you about...

so she started another blog about her maniacal gardening hobby, which made me ask myself why i never put up pictures of my flowers that i am so proud of. neighbors stop by to complement the gardens and ask questions and it just makes me feel so accomplished. (this year, adam and i went totally organic and chemical free using weird concoctions with mouthwash and earthworm castings. more on that later. and maybe next week i'll show off my organic vegetable garden.)

but for now, enjoy my late-spring blooms:

peony from adam's late aunts garden. it hadn't bloomed in years until it moved to my house.

three-year old peach bearded iris

white rhododendron and blue cloud geranium

1 comment:

R said...

so, i wonder which sister in law you are talking about. hmmm..... did i ever tell you about my dog....that oh wait, what was i saying? your gardens are so cool...i think i will make spaghetti tonight.
yeah!!!!!!! i must say i don't know why you did not blog earlier.....since you were a major gardening inspiration to me. i love the advice.

oh do you ever wonder.....