Wednesday, March 01, 2006

how sad is this?

today ky and i were watching the doodlebops when i realized that "bus driver bob" had a striking resemblance to "lou the doorman" from gastineau girls. so i came downstairs to imdb them and found out that they are not the same person, but how embarrassing is it to admit that i at least am aware of who is on both of those horrible shows. oh well.


Jeremy said...

Oh sweet jeebus, that show haunts me.


Nicol said...

Funny. Motherhood. I can't relate, but I am sure that when I can I will see/think the same.

Thanks, for the link, I am no longer on that though, but the same may apply to me. I will ask, I have the "O" Ring.


Meagan Vanover, CWP said...

ky has a thing for moe. i guess that's good because i can't stand rooney or deedee at all. rooney is too much of a... well you know. but ky and moe... she does the whole pledge dance and the jazz hands when the fat lady comes out. it's scary.

btw, if any of you have not seen either show i *do not* recommend that you try to. ever.

Jeremy said...

Moe can breakdance, but I still question his, uhmmm, orientation.

I hate DeeDee - she's such a diva bitch.

Meagan Vanover, CWP said...

queeeeeeeeeennnnnnn deedee
she's the queen for a day

i think moe is straight. i would actually be surprised to find otherwise. rooney... he's a whole different story.

know what though? i get that damned cauliflower song in my head every now and then.