this showed up in my mailbox last week. do i have to file as a non-resident of the city of detroit? do i want to have to file? is this a new kwame thing, because i swear that we didn't get this form last year. what the hell is this? i need to ask my accountant, unless one of you can shed some light on this thing.
Did, at any point in the past year, you or Adam work in the city of Detroit?
Non-residents who work in the city have to pay city income tax. It's some stupid rule they created to make us in the 'burbs pay for the city (yet, we lack the right to vote in city elections or have any say what-so-ever).
I had to fill out that when I was working downtown, but I don't understand why you would get it in the mail.
well i used to work the corner of cass and warren. oh and sometimes we would beg for food at the 1-75/mack exit.
i don't know. i don't get it, either. it didn't even come to us- it was 'to the resident of...'
Yeah, the only thing you need to do is chuck it in the trash.
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