Friday, December 09, 2005

snow days used to be amazing

when i was still working at my "real job" (as my dear brother-in-law, christian calls it) i used to go to bed knowing that a storm was coming and pray, yes pray that school would be cancelled. i would lay in bed and almost be unable to sleep as i awaited that early morning phone call. brrrrrrrringgg. it would sound like heaven calling.

"good morning! no school!"
"oh thank god." and then i would sink back into my sleep coma.

or, being low on the totem pole, i would get that call when i was already showered, or worse yet, still in the shower.


but now every day is a snow day. i don't have to watch the news. i don't jump on and i get really pissed off if the phone rings before seven am.

1 comment:

Meagan Vanover, CWP said...

i saw that. as soon as i glanced out the eighty-five feet of snow at 7:30 there were already two sets of tracks from your driveway.