after three and a half years of faithful viewing and/or TiVo-ing i am taking a break.why? i sent my kids picture in for the live's "beautiful babies" contest and we weren't even shown on the pictures on the wall. now, i do realize that millions of people sent their pictures in, and everyone thinks that their kids are much cuter than they really are...anyway, i'm bitter.
maybe i'll get over it next week, but here's the pic anyway.

live's beautiful baby contest photo 2005
Shame on Regis and Kelly! Your baby is adorable- though still not sure who she looks like!
poor ky ky. or should i say poor meagan? i am appalled they did not show kylinn. even more appalled you didn't let the world know who knit that adorable whimsical hat she's wearing. ;) only kidding. not about regis though, i never liked that regis.
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