Tuesday, January 06, 2009

damn this country living

due to unforeseen circumstances, i had to take the scenic route home from ky's school yesterday.

in the distance, i could see something in the road.i stopped and waited for it to cross. i waited. more things crossed. i waited. i scooted the car up and lo and behold- it's an entire rafter of wild turkey hens. now, i've heard that turkeys are stupid, but let me tell you: turkeys are really stupid. they were bumping into my car (i was parked) and gobbling so loud that the kids could hear them over the heater/radio/etc. so we sat for about two minutes thinking that they would continue on their way, but no. they were going under the car. no seriously: they decided to sit under my running car!

after waiting for enough of them to moved past my door, so i attempted to get out to shoo the rest away. this feat took several minutes, and i had to push a couple of them because apparently, people and running cars are no match to a turkey.

as i was finally clear, and back in my car, a truck passed us and was sure to laugh at the mayhem. damn poultry.


Jessica said...

Meagan, I love reading your posts, you crack me up! Thanks for the chuckle this morning...

Jeremy said...

ha ha ha... yes, I too have encountered the stupid wild turkeys of Macomb County.

Before they built your house and there was an open field, those stupid turkeys used to roam around this neighborhood.

Anonymous said...

I can't believe that those turkeys just decided to stay there and sit under your car crazy birds.