Sunday, October 12, 2008

a week not without woes

Just minutes before leaving for the final celebration to what has become known as "Wingert Wedding Week" (I'll backdate some posts later!) we had a pretty severe accident at the house.

My four year old kitty, Bina, broke her forearm yesterday. She has complete fractures through both the Radius and the Ulna after jumping down an entire flight of stairs. She is okay, and at the vet's with pain meds for now, but will undergo Osteopathic Surgery Tuesday (yes, unfortunately I'm serious- they don't just cast cats) My only other option would be to let it heal as is, form a calcification and have a disfigured arm with certain arthritis. Surgery will run $800-$1,000, which is horrible, but I don't feel that I can just leave it alone. It's a horrific brake and her paw was hanging completely limp. Donations welcome wink

Hopefully she'll be back home Thursday, but she will be in an external bracing device with pins through the bones for six weeks, and confined to my bedroom. It's not going to be easy, but currently the kids are a mess because she's gone and my other cat, Asha (Bina's sister) is also hysterical because they've never been apart before. She woke me up hourly last night meowing and running to the door looking for Bina.

Currently, Bina is drugged and sleepy, and awaiting her pre-surgery consult tomorrow morning. Surgery is most likely scheduled for Tuesday. Because she's not eating well, I'm going to go visit her tomorrow with some of her usual food and some Cheerios. Maybe she'll perk up a little in the meantime.


Brittan said...

That's really sad...I'm sorry!

Kate said...

The entire flight of stairs?! Oh, the poor sweetie, my arm hurts just thinking about her...

Meagan Vanover, CWP said...

She jumped down all but two, but landed sideways.

I'm going to visit her today. I'm already sad thinking about her still in that cage :(

Anonymous said...

I am so sorry to hear about your cat! Here you are bringing skin-friendly soap to my rash-riddled kid while your cat is in such poor shape. Let me know if there is anything I can do.

Meagan Vanover, CWP said...

Bina is out--

3 hour surgery with an external fixator and five pins.

We can pick her up today after four.