Wednesday, October 29, 2008

"flurries likely"

okay, now i'll be the first to admit that i am very fickle when it comes to enjoying the seasons. i love winter, truly, i do, just not the extreme colds. i love those bright, sunshine-y days where you can put your snow pants on over a mid-weight shirt, sunglasses, mittens and a winter hat, but perhaps not a jacket, and go crushing through fresh powder. the only thing i despise more than sweating, is being up on a ski lift dodging hail balls in below-zero temperatures.

but also ranking high on my "weather sucks" scale? usless cold and snow. snow is only fun when it sticks. when everything is just wet and dirty, and it's way cold enough to have some type of accumulation, but then it doesn't happen? that annoys me. and even more irritating than that, is snow before halloween.

sorry for the rant. that sort-of came out of left field. winter is coming, i'd better suck it up.

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