Friday, August 29, 2008

vcs official political endorsement!

ladies and gentlemen of the blog world, i am pleased to announce my official endorsement for the presidential candidacy. i am sorry for the delay. i absolutely needed to know the vice presidential candidates before i could solidify my decision.
i have to confess, that this decision was proceeded by an unexpected phone call from one of my favorite new york liberal non-hippie/hippie-types, my wedding photographer, zim.

zim: dude, meagan. where are you right now?
me: i'm pulling out of my driveway. where are you?
zim: in ohio. i'm on my way to chicago. i'm calling to tell you that i'm voting for a republican!
me: who? wha? why aren't you voting for obama?

(blah, blah, blah. ten minute political debate ensues. spewing intellect from her brain, but only jell-o from mine)

finally, i find out that running mates have been selected.

and zim is happy. zim, my hil-dog t-shirt wearing demo from the east coast is happy.
but you know what? so am i. we may have different reasons, but we are both happy.

vanover central station proudly supports
john mccain and sarah palin
now go kick some donkey ass.

1 comment:

daedra said...

I seriously hate politics but I dislike Obama even more.
Go McCain!