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tegan is 18 months
tegan is into doing everything. especially on his own, and faster than his sister. he is especially fond of wrestling and going down slides head-first. if it looks dangerous or exciting, tegan's credo is that it must be done. full speed ahead. i even asked about his endless scrapes & bruises at the pediatrician, because i feel that it is above average, but, the doctor pooh-poohed me, stating the obvious, "he is a boy." i guess that means that i should just get used to it and stock up on neosporin and batman band-aids.
new words: "buffalo" (yes, as in bw3) "book" "dance"
"stuck" and "ow"
weight: 26.8 pounds (50%ile)
height: 35 1/4 inches (+ 97%ile)
so, he's tall and thin, but i knew that going in, as well as i knew that he was taller than all of his two-year old friends. what i didn't realize, is that he is about 1/8th of an inch off of the height chart. and that makes him average size for the average... (get ready for this)... 27 month old.
ummm...he's only 0.7 ounces heavier than Delaney. You should bring him over to would be a good match.
oh poor delaney. and poor jj's back!
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