i totally forgot to make a 15 month appointment for my darling son. i always leave the pediatrician appointment prior yelling, "i'll call to set up the next appointment" with a child screaming and hanging off of each ankle. so whatever, i realize that i needed to set ky's 4th appointment and tegan's 18 month, so i did, but never thought about a 15 month until i saw my nephew's checkup report. (oops, maybe i am not supposed to link to them because they're kind of secret) so i'm reading this, thinking "was i supposed to do a 15 month? (my head has been in a fog for the past four years) and then i call the doctor, verify that the immunization records will be fine and just stick with our 18 month appointment in july. my life is busy. i probably would not have gone to a 15 month appointment anyway.

had a sweet 29th birthday partay. sir hubs-a-lot had reservations to pf changs at seven, and had arranged for my mom to watch the kids for the evening. after a bit of shopping, we finally wandered over to the restaurant only to find my wonderful neighbors, mike & amy perzanowski, and elizabeth and suzy (& todd, too!) from my mom's group waiting for me. we had an awesome time in the midst of the storm. after dinner, suzy's friends "moose" and an australian guy named kris came up and helped us put away the night at bar louie. what can i say? i love martinis. suzy took a thousand pictures which have recently been added to my flickr.
saturday was a wedding celebration for adam's cousin michelle and her husband, felix. they eloped back in february down in texas where they live. it was a friggin' hot day, but nice to see the whole family. tegan had a rockin' time with his cousin (okay, second cousin) ej. they look like siblings, it's so crazy. but the boys are five months apart and it always seems that my kids best friends are all five months apart. five is the magic number.
sunday, we were so lazy and finally went to do some shopping at the flower factory (adam's new favorite store) and dinner at red robin. as we were driving home, we noticed a green/yellow cloud encroaching. we were able to stay just ahead of it, and the rain and huge bolts of lightning started as we were running into the house. as i literally had one foot in the door, the power went out, and we spent nearly 50 hours without power. thankfully, bill & kristen hooked up our sump pump and fridge to their generator so all hell did not break loose. it's amazing how much worse it is to lose power when you have a well and no water and are deep in the woods. to live in surburbia, losing power is not so bad. we had consistent clean, hot water and survived mighty well. it was kind of like camping. and i like camping.
monday it was 1000 degrees and we had no power.
tuesday was 900 degrees and we had no power.
yesterday, i did wash, vacuumed my crumb-haven and went to target.
ahh, life is good.
lovely update! i thought they got married in october????
i thought i got a card in february?
post away about us. no biggie.
hey look! tegan posted that comment!
For the record, Meagan did not post the most interesting picture of the night on the blog. I guess this is a family atmosphere, so she makes us dig through the flickr account for the good stuff...
yes, my blog has a lot of readers (my dad, grandma, aunts, MIL, etc.) so if anyone is interested, check the flickr, otherwise, all of the pictures flip through the slideshow anyway.
thanks again for your mad photo skills, suzy!
Asian Pear Mojito
isn't that pronounced "moe-jaih-toe?"
speaking of... we just bought some fresh apple mint for our garden specifically for that purpose.
apple mint? What's the difference and where di you buy it? I make a mean Mojito at home (or mint julep for me- the slightly less feminine version of a mojito) but I just use regular mint. I never thought about growing it myself. I think I'll have to find some!
most drinks are less feminine than an meaux-jaih-teaux
oooh i didn't realize that it was so french. thanks, moose. i suppose you could consider this your formal welcome to the blog. however,i really don't see mojito's as uber-femme, perhaps you are afraid of being metro? :O but i will say that i do not drink like a man, because i am not a man. :D
they have apple, orange, ginger, peppermint and spearmint at weigand's. i was there today and they had lots of all of them. herbs are super easy to grow in a pot and the kids will think it's cool. plus, it's way cheaper than buying it at the grocery store.
i'll blog about my garden later, but in addition to the mint, i am also growing chives, curry, thai cilantro, lemon verbena, basil and oregano.
I tried one before and I didn't like it. I guess I'm just not a fan.
I have too much back hair to be metro....I'm also not FABULOUS enough.
you could be luxurious and sumptuous!
sumptuous...i can do that
our very own bobby trendy!
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