the bunny has a summer home over at jeremy's, but apparently continues to lunch at my house still. i had to yell at girl patrol the other day because after witnessing the glitter mob running through my yard screaming and wielding sticks, i realized that they were chasing my bunny.
so, what now? oh yes. a pair of mourning doves has decided to nest in my hanging strawberry basket on the deck. they had already moved in by the time we got back from camping but there were no eggs yet. of course, hanging a few feet above a deck full of fun toddler activity would be an excellent place to nest. in my frigging strawberries, no less. and i must say, there's nothing like organic strawberries covered by bird ass. and it's not like they even made a nest- they just sit on the dirt! i went out to buy a new hanging basket to entice a move, but in the meantime, the mama laid two little eggs in my berries. the dad takes the all day shift and the mom does all night. there is always a stupid bird on the eggs.
yesterday, i did some gardening and watering of my patio plants. of course, the bird sat there. i can get about four inches from it and tap the planter and it still won't move. it is, however, terrified of the camera. so yesterday, adam basically pushes the bird out. it was the dad, and he was furious. so he goes and gets the mom and they both sat on the garage yelling and mourning and the dad was whipping his head back and forth to threaten adam. so what? apparently, that was the last straw because the bastard started dive-bombing us. now, i am afraid of horses, but i am beyond terrified of birds. so , we quickly jumped back inside, and the birds happily resumed their 24-hour egg sitting schedule.
ughhhh. four more weeks.
Would it be possible to move the basket to another location so they don't dive bomb you off the deck?
they were only mad because adam pushed them out. then we watered the basket. when we're on the deck, they just sit there- frozen. we can get right up close and they're fine, they just get mad when we push them or take pictures. they really are these freaky looking dead things. did you see that one episode of 'dr who' with the angel statues? they're like that-
ah. the beauty of nature and the sweetness of little soon to be fledglings sittin top of some strawberry patch in the glistening sunset of the eve'nin.
and what would have clinched the story for me is if you guys got pooed on.
why don't you come over and get pooed on yourself.
i would but i've a headache.
have you ever gotten pooed on? i have not, but i've seen many.
Oh gosh, that was a funny read! Thanks for the entertainment!! I personally love bird assed strawberries. mmmmm
When I was little my dad thought it a grrreat idea to have me hold some robin babies. Then I got dived bombed like crazy and now have a fear of birds.
I have an EXCLUSIVE bunny update on my site!!!
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