Thursday, April 24, 2008

ten things that i dislike

1. carrots
2. my space
3. dandylions
4. nine year old children
5. torchwood
6. uggs
7. road construction convoys
8. dogs in stores
9. hillary clinton
10. wal-mart


Anonymous said...


9 yo children?

sarah said...

i never knew you didn't like carrots....

Meagan Vanover, CWP said...

i don't mind carrots in things, but i'll never eat raw carrots. and even then, i'll eat them but not love them. i just eat them.

funny... adam just said, "you don't like carrots?"

and i just don't like that awkward "tween" stage. nine year olds are not good for decent conversation. there i said it.

R said...

they are 9 yos.
i don't believe kids have decent converstion from the ages of 9 to about 21. and even at 21, it's a toss up with many a person.

and i thought you were president of "the cult to elect hilary to the hill?"


Jeremy said...

What's up with Torchwood?

Meagan Vanover, CWP said...

I don't like the guy that has the over-waxed eyebrows.

We watch Dr Who (okay, Adam does and I pay attention to it) and I hate that Torchwood is currently overlapping into Dr Who. That dumb guy is running around with The Doctor and it irritates the hell out of me.

Jeremy said...

Well, then don't you just hate the guy who is running around w/ Dr. Who (Captain Jack)?

I gotta say, I've got a thing for the Welsh chick with the gap in her teeth, I think her name is Eve Myles.

Aimee turned me on to Torchwood. Gotta say, I actually enjoy it.