Tuesday, October 23, 2007

tegan is nine months

weight: 21 pounds (50-75%)
height: 30 1/4 (95%)
tegan currently likes to chase me around while hanging onto my shirt, and blow through straws.

*i also just got his pictures done again, so please ask me for one the next time i see you*


R said...

sweet stats there.

Nicole said...

Can I get one mailed to me since I won't be seeing you anytime soon???? He is so adorable! I've shown him off to a couple of close friends as "one of the cutest babies ever".

Meagan Vanover, CWP said...


happy 35th!!!!!!!!!!

Brittan said...

Crap! I didn't see that about the pictures and didn't ask you last night! Well, save one for me!