Friday, October 12, 2007

can someone please remind me of why i suddenly took up running?

so we "ran" another 10K yesterday. adam and i did a lap at stoney creek while fighting whipping winds and chilly intermittent rains. in just over a week, i'll be facing some of my worst fears by running through the detroit-windsor tunnel and over the ambassador bridge. with thousands of other people.


Brittan said...

Yeah! Go Meagan! You can do it!

Nicol said...

I am really proud of you guys. Honestly. It is inspiring.

lisa said...

just remember you are the bridge queen... seriously, you are, i looked it up in our spring break 1997 book... and if i knew how to post a picture here, I would scan it in to prove it.

Meagan Vanover, CWP said...

camera phone it and email it to me!

Anonymous said...

the best I could do....

lisa said...

oops.. click on my name in that last post. You should see it! and a reminder... dont hold quarters in your hand when you are running. they will get sweaty.

Meagan Vanover, CWP said...

excellent. sweaty quarters- i do remember.

why didn't you ever do anything with that site? or your blog? or anything with anything?

tanya had a baby girl three weeks ago- her name is ela. i'm waiting for details.