Sunday, September 23, 2007

tegan is eight months!

and boy is he busy!

since last month, he's convinced himself that he is mobile. and we have since had to live in a prison of baby gates. tegan had done everything at the same time that kylinn did. unfortunately, when it came down to moving, crawling, climbing and cruising he has her beat by weeks. tegan truly thinks that he can walk (his legs think otherwise) but the coolest thing that came of this month was object permanence- if you hide from tegan, he will find you. if you put a blanket on your head he pulls it off so fast. it truly is amazing to see his tiny little mind developing. what else? he's a talker! our days are filled with endless ramblings of repetitive vowel sounds. he mostly says "babababa" and "mamamama" but he occasionally mixes it up a bit. sadly, he hates shopping. he hates being in the car unless his sister is holding his hand. and he is LOVING all if the quiet time with mommy while ky is at school.


Anonymous said...

I know I've said it before but I can't help myself. I LOVE THIS BOY!

Brittan said...

that is cute that he has to hold her hand! :)