Saturday, September 22, 2007

nicol update

nicol was induced yesterday evening. as of 8:30 am they were still waiting...


Brittan said...

How come she was induced so soon? Was something wrong?

Jeremy said...

It's not unusual to induce close to your due date.

Gotta love Petosin!

Sarah said...

no, no no, you absolutely do NOT have to love pitocin. it's liquid evil.

Meagan Vanover, CWP said...

not really anything wrong- her doc's just playing it safe.

last week the baby measured 5lbs10oz which was 15%ile. the doctors hd her go in for another u/s yesterday to make sure that the baby was growing properly. (it is a major concern if they are below 10%) so the u/s showed that the baby was around 6lbs5oz, so it was still growing, but slowly and they want to be sure that it is getting all of the nutrients that it needs. her due date is in 5 days anyway, so this is really just precautionary. she went in for her routine NST and then the US and the doctor told them to get packed up and come back to the hospital last night. unfortunately she missed one of pauls best friends wedding (billy & nicole) and one of kerners finest moments.

i'll keep you posted.

PS- i didn't mind the pitocin, either.

Jeremy said...

sorry for the typo.

From what I remember, pitocin is a synthesized form of oxytocin, a naturally occurring stimulant produced by the body.

That's why they say that having sex close to your due date can help induce labor since the male can "deliver" oxytocin to the female.

Dr. Jeremy is in the house!

Better than saying, "I'm gonna fill your hoo-ha with goof juice!"

(That's for you Meagan, for saying I'm not a nice young man).

daedra said...

I second Sarah's position. Some people love synthetic versions of a natural hormone in your body, I do not.

Nicol said...

I had no issues with Pitocin. I am actually glad that I was able to have my labor and delivery in such a controled way.