Thursday, August 16, 2007

now i was tagged...

By Rachelle!
Here are the
NEW (Rachelle) rules:
Let others know who tagged you.
Players answer questions about themselves.
Those who are tagged should post these rules and their 8 questions and answers.
Players should tag 3 or more people and tell them they’ve been tagged.

1. one thing people might not know about you:
I am neurotic about cleaning my ears. I clean them at least once every day. Usually more. My idea of Hell consists of a place without Q-tips.

2. the best invention ever is:
Besides Q-tips? My compost bin. Outstanding!

3. in my next house, i vow:
To have a lot more closets. Seven closets are not enough storage for a four-member family.

4. in my next life, i vow:
To have more ambition.

5. if i had nothing else to do i would be happy:

6. my dream date would be:
Gosh! Just finishing a meal would be nice, even if it were Taco Bell.

7. one thing i do and one thing i will try to do to make our planet greener:
I am already granola beyond belief, but I am always on a mission to eliminate one more household chemical.

8. one thing that astonishes me and one thing that amazes me:
My children amaze me daily. And it is truly astonishing that my husband can love me in my ratty pj's each and every morning with crazy hair and morning breath.

And now I will
tag Nicol, Nicole, and Tina.

1 comment:

Nicol said...

yada yada yada....

I also am obsessed with cleaning my ears. I have to do it every morning, and It must be done at the same time (both ears) I have a solid fool proof method.