Sunday, August 05, 2007

annie get your kilt

photos from the 158th annual st andrew's society highland games.


Anonymous said...

And a good time was had by all.

Brittan said...

I'm sorry we weren't able to make it. We started some home improvement projects and were very focused, lol! Looks like you had fun! =) See you Wednesday!

Jeremy said...

Thanks for sharing the pics!

If you have any more, send them our way!

We had fun, this is starting to be an annual tradition 0+<=

Anonymous said...

nice skirt-fag

Jeremy said...

Way to be original anonymous!

At least I'm secure enough to go out in public and represent my heritage, whereas you have to lurk around and make a stupid remark that, quite frankly, just goes to show how truly ignorant and intolerant you really are.

Suck on it. 8====D

Meagan Vanover, CWP said...

unfortunately, anonymous, i know who you are. i have labeled your ip address and will be watching you. don't screw up the open commenting for the whole group.

Anonymous said...

jeremy way to be tough on a leave your comment sheet. ooooh at least I'm secrure enough bla bla bla. So if it was part of the Russian heritage to wear make up, I shouldnt get made fun of. Oh and I wasnt lurking just too busy at work to sign in. Meg- I am just playing around. YOU can insult russians all you want

Nicol said...

oooohhhhh... (sigh)


...just sign in next time, huh?

Nicol said...

oh, and one more thing...

be nice!

Meagan Vanover, CWP said...

are you saying that you wear makeup???

Jeremy said...


You're a dick.



Anonymous said...

Meg-to answer your question; yes I do wear makeup every chance I get. I usually try to match the thong I'm wearing at the time.
Jeremy- no hard feelings ay. jerk