Monday, July 23, 2007

sometimes you can't just use a computer translating program

from the "MMOGCart" website:

Buy WOW Gold

Welcome to . We are a professional, loyal and reliable wow gold store online. We supply wow gold to our loyal customers that you may buy cheap wow gold on our website. We provide the cheapest wow gold all the servers and the first class service to our loyal and reliable customers. We have available stock of wow gold on most of the servers, so that we can do a really instant way of delivery. We understand what our buyers need so we offer an instant way of delivery 24 hours a day. If you have a hurry using of wow gold, you may come to . We can delivery your gold wow on the order in a short while.
We have been an ebay power seller and paypal confirmed seller of wow gold for years. So it is securest and safest to buy gold wow from us. We are sure that you will get your desired wow gold on order, if you buy gold wow here. Don’t be irresolute! Just place your order to buy wow gold here then your desired wow gold will be in your mail box in wow game.
We are hoping to serve you and helping you to have a wonderful wow life!


Anonymous said...

I have a hurry using of wow gold!I be not irresolute in my hurry using of it. Wow!

Nicol said...

this post bores me. you need to update! c'mon don't you know that I need things to read and look at when I am at work! I depend on you oh wise blog woman!

Brittan said...

I agree with Nicol. I didn't even understand what the heck this was!

Oh, and I am now babysitting @ 11:30 tomorrow in Clarkston, I will call you when I get home. K?

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