Tuesday, April 10, 2007

more vanovers on vacation

though both of the kids slept thorough most of their visit with aunt brittan, we did enjoy seeing her and overindulging at applebee's.


Brittan said...

i had a feeling that would be up on the blog before i even made it home! :)

Meagan Vanover, CWP said...

hey man- have camera, will post photos

how was your drive home?

Brittan said...

fine. i got side tracked because i saw a sign for the justamere equestrian center, so i turned around and went past it on card. so i ended up taking 25 mile to shoennherr (sp?) no traffic though, all farmish, like me!

Meagan Vanover, CWP said...

we go that way quite a bit- there is an AWESOME playground on card.

R said...

i'm sorry i missed it. but we had nice family time, which is very rare in the midst of soccer season. and will lose it when i go back to work. :(