Thursday, April 05, 2007

look what i just did!


Lauren said...

Cute cut girl,very SASSY!

Meagan Vanover, CWP said...


when are you going to see my fab little stylist?

Lauren said...

Ha! Is that a hint!? I'd love to meet him, maybe he can help me. I hate my hair, it's either an ugly, curly thing with tons of frizz, or an ugly, straight thing, with tons of frizz.It's like I can't win. Did your hair change also, after having Ky or Tegan?

Anyway, your cut looks adorable (and so does Ky!)

Jeremy said...

Did somebody say SASSY?!

The French have a word for it, they call it Sass-sey!

Brittan said...


i would like to donate mine this point though they would probably have to cut it shorter than yours!

Meagan Vanover, CWP said...

lauren- not a hint at all. you had mentioned that you'd be willing to go see him before, so i asked. my hair didn't change, but it's falling out like mad now. it was dry and time to go.

thanks, jer. you should teach logan some of that french.

and brittan, i have often thought about donating, but i don't want super-long hair and then i don't want to do the whole pixie cut thing again, so my hair gets donated to the mexican guy who sweeps it up from the floor and makes his money at the salon.

R said...

i'm waiting for that awful day when and if my hair falls out. then i'm going short shag. with a little highlight. and a touch of whipped cream. and a cherry on top.

Meagan Vanover, CWP said...

nice. i can't wait until you try to keep puppers out of your hair then!

Lauren said...

Sorry Meagan, I was joking... but seriously, I do need help with my hair. I remember I wanted to go to your guy. Is he expensive for around here or ave.? Regardless, your hair cuts are always cute! I want to go see him, but scared to get it cut too short, I am just getting over the terrible really short chop I did to my own hair. (Don't ask). It looked BAD on me.

When my hair fell out after Noah, it didn't stop for over a year. Ask Sarah about it, it was crazy..I tought I was going to go bald.

Meagan Vanover, CWP said...

lauren, i know you're kidding.

his prices aren't terrible- $55 for a cut, but they always grow out so nicely.seriously i go like every 3 months. my highlights were expensive ($115 like 5 years ago) but i did love them, too.