last week, sarah and i took the kids to the buggy for lunch. though frightened at first at the thought of having our kids in such a serene environment, it turned out to be incredible. the kids had a great meal followed with dessert and a prize, were well behaved and really thought that having the enormous stuffed bear at our table was awesome. sarah and i actually were relaxed and finished our meals for the first time in three years.

Did you go to the Rochester location?
I'll have to tell you some interesting stories about that restaurant sometime. I had a few friends who used to cook there.
Frankly, if you knew the truth, you probably would never eat there again.
no, farmington. actually, the rochester one just closed.
and i've had friends who cooked there as well. we just went for coffee during those finer times.
There is a reason the Rochester one closed.
That place was a health violation waiting to happen.
did you by chance know jason mccartney? rochester '97 or '96
Aimee might know, though I don't think she knew a lot of Rochester people.
i had a friend who worked at the buggy in rochester before its closing. i've heard some great stories too! haha!
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