Wednesday, March 28, 2007

if you could change one thing about yourself

what would you change?

i've always wished that i was taller. not super tall, just 5'5" so that i didn't have to hem my pants.


R said...

i would change the size of my boobs. i would like them to be a nice full perky B cup. not a full C like before, and definitely not the porn star boobs i have now.

Meagan Vanover, CWP said...

i'm currently struggling with a love/hate relationship with the twins.

i love filling up my strapless dresses, but i hate the jiggling when i run, or go down the stairs...

and the pain, oh dear god the pain. i'm so over feeling like a cow in the barnyard. why can't baby formula smell good and be free?

Sarah said...

wait til you're done nursing and we'll talk. some people get smaller - mine did not. they just got baggy.

Jeremy said...

I wish I had a tail.

It would come in handy, though I do suppose I would need new pants.

R said...

what? baggy? aw man.....
and how about running up the stairs! i jogged up the stairs yesterday and almost knocked myself out with them. oh and did i mention the lopsidedness? half the time i have to walk crooked to compensate. i'm worried about starting to jog again due to uneven weight distribution!

Meagan Vanover, CWP said...


please elaborate. why on earth would you want a tail?

Jeremy said...

So people would know when I'm happy.

R said...

don't people know when you are happy with your tail?

Meagan Vanover, CWP said...
