Friday, March 23, 2007

don't go changin...

(i'm actually singing that in the shrek version in my head...)

back by popular demand (okay, no, but to appease my new sister-in-law, brittan) i have made it possible for everyone (registered or not) to post comments. now don't be a coward and use the anonymous setting (because i can find out who you are anyway) but instead use the "other" setting and type in your name.

so lisa, angel, gramma, sarah, tanya and the rest of you blog stalkers... it's time to ante up.


Anonymous said...

Hi, I should get an account. But I think If I did, I would only update it once a month. But I do not think Brittan would let it fall behind.

Anonymous said...

i like this better...i'm not sure why there was 356 after my name on my last comment.

Meagan Vanover, CWP said...

lisa, we don't usually go to bed until ten or so, so anytime until 9 or so would be totally fine. we're also up every day at 3 am... haha. unfortunately i'm serious.

Meagan Vanover, CWP said...

welcome to the blog chris & brittan

Meagan Vanover, CWP said...

btw, chris... you and brittan can be on the same blog- like how my sister posts things on here. adam used to too, but then he got too cool for us.

Anonymous said...

Hi Meagan,

I guess I can start leaving comments since I have been going on your site everyday to see what is new in your family since you first started your site.

Meagan Vanover, CWP said...

consider this your official welcome, angel