bina got outside last night. although we were able to find her relatively quickly, it still put us into temporary panic mode (much like the pawelek's pet predicament last week).
bina, a fearless not-quite-three-year-old declawed black cat, likes to try to jet outside on a regular basis. she'd sit upstairs on our balcony for hours if we'd let her. and even though she goes out the side door every time i bring groceries in, she always only sits on the rock next to the foundation and eats the grass.
lately, however she's been running like a mad cat onto the deck and hiding under the patio furniture. of course, i chase her back in and everything is resolved in 0.2 seconds. again, becoming typical. not causing any major concern.
last night, was different. ky was opening the door and waiting for adam when bina escaped. the problem was that no-one had noticed and after about an hour, asha (her sister) came over howling and meowing more than usual. she's a very vocal cat, so i didn't pay much attention. i jokingly asked her "what's that, asha? bina's gone down the well?" and then went back to cooking dinner. about an hour passed, we put ky to bed and came down and only then did it occur to me that we hadn't seen bina in awhile. not to mention, asha was still meowing quite a bit.
so we ran around the house calling her, and then i opened the back door and called and immediately heard a weird, low cry. it didn't sound like her at all, but i ran to see under the deck regardless. out came a very cold and very wet bina. we brought her in all soggy and muddy and she was okay in about another hour.
asha has been pissed at her ever since, though, and spent most of the night hissing and growling at bina. i don't know what adventures bina had outside of her sheltered walls, but asha apparently does and still seems pretty bitter.
fortunately, all is well now and hopefully this will keep bina in for a good long while.
I bet you are expecting me to make some sort of black, wet and dirty pussy joke, but I'm not going to do that.
Hope your baby is doing ok, I know we were worried to death when we couldn't find Bindi. Glad to here things are going better.
well, jer... just the implications brings a smile to my face.
it is an awful feeling to realize your pet is missing. i was sick to my stomach the morning after you guys lost bindi when i realized your garage door was still open... waiting.
uggh. so anyway, she is fine, warm and safe. and asha will forgive her eventually. hopefully...
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