I want to personally thank you for once again finding something really annoying that my kid wants to watch over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over again.
He's actually singing along to it now, and it's also stuck in my head.
Hey, that was probably my fault b/c I sent Aimee that same video in an email and she said Logan had seen it from that I think and liked it. He was amused haha.
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I want to personally thank you for once again finding something really annoying that my kid wants to watch over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over again.
He's actually singing along to it now, and it's also stuck in my head.
peanut butter jelly and a baseball bat.
what other damage have i done????
Hey, that was probably my fault b/c I sent Aimee that same video in an email and she said Logan had seen it from that I think and liked it. He was amused haha.
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