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potty training toddlers
okay so now that my child (26 months) is two inches from being potty trained, i now realize that everything that i had predicted before did work. had i just gone ahead and followed my own assumption, i could have saved thousands of dollars on diaper expenses over the past month. oh well. so what did i do? exactly what i probably already told you in july. and june. and last december. i would parade around to all of my parenting friends saying things such as, "if i would just stay home for a day, my kid would be potty trained." so i finally did. (the bigger development is that she also learned to "hold it.") for two days now, my baby has been running nekkid through the house, but has gone potty four times since waking up this morning. in addition to the royal potty downstairs and the sesame seat upstairs, ky has tinkerbell panties which she adores. but honestly- keeping her full of fluids and naked and at home for once is seriously helping. i wish i would just listen to myself once in awhile.

and even though i always say that i don't want sons because i don't know what to expect, once i saw this urinal i secretly hoped for a baby boy. no. hehe. i hope not. but now i'm terribly tempted to buy it for joshua, logan, ben and noah... you boys all have a birthday coming up soon! haha. could you even imagine how nasty your bathroom floor would be? (oh god- mine is so pee-peed from my little girl). yuck.
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