here's the latest scoop. saturday we took jeremy and logan to the 157th annual highland games. we all had a good time despite the heat and we all ate disgustingly unhealthy scottish food. for some reason, i did not take any pictures so i had to steal this one from jeremy's site. (thanks and sorry).

as if that wasn't tiring enough, sunday was set aside to clean the garage. which we proceeded to do in full white-trash explosion while my neighbors were having an open house unbeknownst to us. they did however, sell their house that day so perhaps either the new people don't mind people parking up the lane blasting "ms new booty" while they clean their garage, or maybe they (somehow) just didn't notice.
what neighbors were having an open house?
News to me!
the ones at the other end of the lane that were friends with ray. the fur lady and the guy with the motorcycle in the small house.
You are so lame, I just saw your Dustin Diamond banner ad.
no. i am funny. i actually hate SBTB. i put it there for adam, who lusts after zack morris
Adam seems more like an A.C. Slater kind of guy.
Like they could get together and wrestle.
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