Wednesday, August 16, 2006

fun at the farmada fair

last night adam dragged us to the 134th annual armada fair. it was less podunk than i thought it was going to be (we were going to see the livestock, after all) but i still saw plenty of gray teeth, mullets and trucker hats (but not cool trucker hats... i'm talking real trucker hats on real truckers). so what did we do there? we pet the cows, sheep and pigs which will be off to the slaughter house next week. (it's so hard to not steal them when the sign above them says, "thanks buyers! j&p meat packing." it kills me. well no, i guess not. but it definitely kills them. my first job was at an orchard, with full fledged meat-eating farmers. it was completely incomprehensible to them that i was a vegetarian. every fall, our old apple cooler would have a cart of dead deer in it, and every summer some relative would be in trouble that their pig had too high of a fat content and it wasn't going to be sold.

so there were some good things about the fair. (the $6 per person admission was not one of them) but there was a petting farm complete with newborn pigs, bunnies and chicks. there were lamas and tons of horses and more cows. we ate cholesterol-increasing butterfly chips (thanks for the tip, jeremy) and watched four year olds race four wheelers. spending the evening in farmada made me realize that it is perhaps the only place on earth where girls in hollister shirts snuggle up with boys in john deere shirts.


Jeremy said...

Dude, I love the Armada fair, and if I could go this year, I probably would.

We've gone for the past, oh, three or four years now and it's always fun.

Last year was a highlight year because not only did we get to watch a tractor pull, we also got to watch a "hog hollerin'" contest.

It's the biggest little fair in Michigan.

Meagan Vanover, CWP said...

i hate the word verifications, but without them i get auto comments with spam advertising.

and although i may go to parts of the peach fest, i will not be in the beer tent. i actually haven't been back there since i was maybe 23? i got over it pretty quickly. i'm not into rhs reunions, you know. and besides, i'd be like 20 weeks pregnant. i'm faaaarrrrr too classy for beer tents at this point.