growing up in the early eighties and attending very eighties weddings has destroyed both my ability to 1) dance well and more importantly 2) understand lyrics.
coming from a very humble blue-collar family, i proudly sang, "go-e-e-e-e lightly/rock the cash bar/rock the cash bar"
because, come on.... like ohmygod, doesn't everyone have, like, a totally rockin' cash bar at their weddings? okay i sure as hell didn't, and i'm wondering why (as a six year old) i knew what one was.
want to laugh even harder? ask me to sing "sister christian," "venus, "blowing in the wind," or "rag doll"
yes. it gets worse.
The 80s ruined me as well.
I realized lately that I don't listen to much music outside of that particular decade.
In fact, after finding Hair Nation on Sirius (Channel 23), I find I'm listening to nothing but big hair rock bands.
Yes. I have no life.
my sister still to this day has a hair band love affair with brett (sigh) michaels.
grody to the max.
Hey, Bret may have let himself go but I could turn him around. I can't help but love love love him.
Hey, every rose has a thorn.
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