no. i'm totally kidding. although there was recently a baby for sale on craigslist... scary. anyway, ky and i went to the mall with gramma to find an easter dress. i wanted a sailor dress to go along with my blue j.crew dress. we found one at marshall fields within the first ten minutes of being at the mall and they only had one left... size 24 months... the gods were smiling upon us.
so as far as my darling little precious goes, she went psychotic for no damn reason. i know that we're quickly approaching this nasty toddler behavior, but i was totally unprepared. since she has been singing "twinkle twinkle little star" lately (more like "gingki gingki yihyih staw") dearest gramma bought her a light up star on a wand to replace the eye-poking one. so what does petunia do with the star you ask? she thwapps all of the ralph lauren hanging clothes with it.
okay, she must be bored. ralph lauren baby boy clothes tend to be a little, well... you know. that much seersucker in one area could kill a person. and oh, btw, you can make clothes in other colors than baby blue. try crimson for example. or kelly green. or periwinkle for shits sake. no. i take that one back. periwinkle is not good, either.
anyway, we go to olga's kitchen for lunch. we put in our order and have ky's rushed. excellent... cheese balls and two kinds of dips. this is phenomenonal for 0.3 seconds when she prefers to spill her water and dump out the dips all over the table. by the time that our food arrives, she's totally done and she let it be known. to everyone. i tried in vain to bribe her with yogurt, cereal bars, lint balls, and whatever else was in my purse. no luck.
we then decided to take her to the play area to release some excess energy/exercise the demons/whatever. this makes her happy (and tired!) and after thirty minutes we leave to take her on the carousel and ride-on cars. this makes her really happy.

finally, darling sugar baby is sitting in her stroller again and yawning. by the time i was out of the mall parking lot she was snoring, loudly. and finally i was happy. really, really happy. the gods are again smiling.
Hey, I just got Noah a green seersucker outfit from the Baby polo collection. Too much seersucker in one area is a GOOD thing! Your J. Crew dress is seersucker by the way! It's cute though. Don't kill anyone with that much seersucker in one area.
well, i'm glad that it was at least green. i can't stand baby blue seersucker bib, hat, overalls, vest and matching booties.
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