man, i enjoy blowout. and i don't even know what i love more; watching jonathan cry and hug his box of kleenex in therapy or throwing a temper-tantrum because he doesn't like the name of his products despite referring to them, as is, for months.
1.) I was on the phone with my Mom and half listening, half reading your blog. I said; "What Mom? Sorry, I'm reading Meagan's blog." and my Mom said... "Oh, Vanover Station?"
Ha! That's cute, my Mom reads you too. I told her it is Vanover CENTRAL Station.
2.) While I can say yes, Blowout is fun to watch, doesn't Jonathan just bug the shit out of you? I don't like that guy at all. He's so into himself and he is RUDE! I think Jonathan is lame. Doesn't your sister have a major lusty crush on him or something? She wishes Jonathan would give her hair a blowout too.
I think my Jonathan should have a show like blow out. It would be all drama surrounding olive oil and baking and hair product. He made Spring Sprinkle cupcakes last night.
it's all about cutting heads, lauren. haha. i can't personally stand jonathan which is why i love the show so much. last nights episode at the photo shoot. hahaha. what a jackass.
wow. spring sprinkle cupcakes. i should give my cookies a name... orgasmic oatmeal. haah. only kidding.
hey hey, janet! look who has their own sign-in now! fancy :)
actually, i think my diverse group of readers is fun. my grandma reads it, too, which make me think that i should watch my mouth a bit more, but then i just wouldn't be me.
and jeremy, get off the internet and go sight-seeing or legless hockey or something!
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Two things:
1.) I was on the phone with my Mom and half listening, half reading your blog. I said; "What Mom? Sorry, I'm reading Meagan's blog." and my Mom said... "Oh, Vanover Station?"
Ha! That's cute, my Mom reads you too. I told her it is Vanover CENTRAL Station.
2.) While I can say yes, Blowout is fun to watch, doesn't Jonathan just bug the shit out of you? I don't like that guy at all. He's so into himself and he is RUDE! I think Jonathan is lame. Doesn't your sister have a major lusty crush on him or something? She wishes Jonathan would give her hair a blowout too.
I think my Jonathan should have a show like blow out. It would be all drama surrounding olive oil and baking and hair product. He made Spring Sprinkle cupcakes last night.
that's so funny. jeremy's mom reads it, too!
it's all about cutting heads, lauren. haha. i can't personally stand jonathan which is why i love the show so much. last nights episode at the photo shoot. hahaha. what a jackass.
wow. spring sprinkle cupcakes. i should give my cookies a name...
orgasmic oatmeal. haah. only kidding.
Someone has a dirty little secret.
hey hey, janet! look who has their own sign-in now! fancy :)
actually, i think my diverse group of readers is fun. my grandma reads it, too, which make me think that i should watch my mouth a bit more, but then i just wouldn't be me.
and jeremy, get off the internet and go sight-seeing or legless hockey or something!
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