if you have a toddler, never-ever assume for even for one second that you can just go to the bathroom and that the lack of noise upstairs is your darling baby doing something good and constructive. because it is in that one nanosecond, that they will find an old calligraphy pen that you had forgotten that was lost in your closet and head down your hallway decorating not only themselves but also every wall that they pass. and when that little precious finally arrives in your guestroom, they will dump that potted plant that you naively left sitting on the floor. and you my friend will be stuck repainting your house on an otherwise fantastic thursday afternoon.
Oh, and I know that this comment will come back to bite me in the ass when I have children, but I think that it is hilarous and I Laughed out Loud when I saw pictures and read the article.
How did I know it would turn out this way? Oh, that's right - because she's your kid. And Adam's kid. What were you expecting - an angel? Dream on, sister.
bwaaaaa!!!!!!!! Sorry...I had to bust out laughing. It's so cruel of me to laugh because I know you're secretly wishing on me the same thing. sorry...that is toooooooooo funny and oh ummmmm are you ok? I have a 15 month old please!!!! tell me this is just a phase!!
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I did the same thing as a child. except not only did I get the walls, but my mom's very expensive antique chair.
Oh, and I know that this comment will come back to bite me in the ass when I have children, but I think that it is hilarous and I Laughed out Loud when I saw pictures and read the article.
i will buy your child a set of permanant markers for their first birthday and a very loud musical instrument set for christmas. mark my words.
I saw this coming...remember when we were both pregnant and I sent you this picture:
How did I know it would turn out this way? Oh, that's right - because she's your kid. And Adam's kid. What were you expecting - an angel? Dream on, sister.
bwaaaaa!!!!!!!! Sorry...I had to bust out laughing. It's so cruel of me to laugh because I know you're secretly wishing on me the same thing. sorry...that is toooooooooo funny and oh ummmmm are you ok? I have a 15 month old please!!!! tell me this is just a phase!!
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