every once in a while something possesses me to make a fairly big project even bigger. late on friday afternoon, while cleaning our master bedroom and folding the laundry, i dared myself to peek under our bed. what i saw under there may require counseling for life. (note to readers: if you are easily frightened, please stop reading now and exit here.) although i am completely unable to estimate the number of dust-bunnies living under the bed, i can only say that there were enough clumped together in one area that asha & bina stalked it in case it were another animal. but several hours later, the entire room was spotless and my darling daughter now tunnels under the entire bed with no evidence of bunny combat. here for your viewing pleasure is a list of what was found under our bed:

three rubber duckies, seven near empty bottles of water (apparently we are very thirsty), a toothbrush, four rolls of developed film, a broken slinky, dust, an original greedo and chewbacca action figure,size 3 shoes despite the fact the kylinn is now in a 5, dust, an old ticket from a pistons game, two suction cups, (did i mention dust?) a receipt from p.f. chang's in 2003 even though we moved here in january 2004, a flag key chain, a broken shower head and a partridge in a pear tree.

okay so i'm kidding about the partridge. but guess what was under there? two bottles of dust buster and dust remover obviously not doing their job. honestly, they've both been under that bed for just over two years and they did not even attempt to remove any dust. i just can't believe how many worthless products are on the market these days. obviously, these are now in the trash along with the sixty-five billion broken hangers that i found. so the moral of this story, kids, is that if for some reason you found this post to be inspirational, don't. just call merry maids and go pour yourself a big glass of wine while you let the professionals do their job. it's far too dangerous for the general public.
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