Friday, December 30, 2005

we're back!

christmas was wonderful, but vacation was even better! after christmas, we headed up to my dad and step-mom's house in boyne city for some well-deserved r&r along with the ross family. josh and ky had an absolute blast spending so much time together. we opted out of skiing because the snow was crappy (all man-made, no powder and ice does not make for good runs) and instead spent time shopping on a mitten-mission with everyone in petoskey and gaylord. (go normans!)

kylinn is pictured above along with me and her newest baby cousin, madison.

1 comment:

Meagan Vanover, CWP said...

thanks, jj. same to you!

i'll have your custom order up & ready later today. sorry for the delay.

to everyone: i'll also moblog tonight from the child-friendly party that we're going to at my teacher friend, erica's (cami & caedyn's mom). she did say that we could bring along anyone interested, but she does live quite a distance away. anyway...

total brain lapse.... back to what i was talking about: moblogging comes with bad editing, so i won't fix the posts until tomorrow morning so if the pictures come with crazy text, just ignore it.