first and formost, i apologize for neglecting this blog. in case you failed to notice the previous post, my sister and i have recently opened our own online shop . because we're adding new products daily, it has become all-consuming. we are also taking a mini-vacation for the long weekend, but i can assure you that come monday this blog will have some fab new posts.
in the meantime, please shop CENTRAL STATION-SUBURBAN OUTFITTERS
because, where else can you buy a david lightswitch and clock, a free katie ringer-t and a got haggis? trucker hat?
silvia, i will make one and put it up
You inspired me to open my own shop at cafepress.
rad, dude!
cool. iwill check out the shop. can i put up my knitting and photowork for sale?
oh i see now that i've checked out the store.
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