07:00 get baby ready/ brush my teeth & hair/ make adam’s lunch
07:30 breakfast for everyone but me/adam leaves for work
08:00 daily phone calls, email, bills, blogging, etc.
08:30 pick up mr potato head and tupperware for 6th time already
09:00 snacks/ tivo “live with regis and kelly” to watch next week
09:30 change baby, put her down for a nap/ pick up downstairs
10:00 drink breakfast power soda/ pilates (on a good day)
10:30 shower (on a great day)
11:00 water plants, laundry, vacuum, etc.
11:30 baby’s up!/ diaper change/ make & feed her lunch/ errands
12:00 pick up toys for 85th time today
12:30 jeopardy/ my lunch while being jumped on (if it’s an amazing day)
01:00 daily highlight: walk/drive to mailbox
01:30 play outside/ finish errands
02:00 diaper change/ afternoon nap (if i’m really lucky)
02:30 clean up kitchen
03:00 realize that i did not eat lunch- that was someone on television.
03:30 diaper change/ snacks/ play outside
04:00 begin picking up living room
04:30 pick up tupperware and potato heads
05:00 vacuum living room
05:30 make dinner
06:00 adam comes home!
06:30 finish dishes
07:00 finally talk to my husband
07:30 baby’s bedtime (hopefully)
08:00 time
08:30 to
09:00 finally
09:30 relax
10:00 zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

the office/playroom before first cleaning
Which character from "Desperate Housewives" would you like to be?
as much as i would love to be more like susan, i have been called bree by several different people, which i can't quite figure out!
so i took a quiz to find out which DH i would be....
You'd deffo be casted as Susan rather than Bree! I just hope your hubby doesn't take a runner on you:)
Is it because Adam is secretly having an affair with the neighborhood dominatrix?
Or the fact that you're just ultra-anal about everything?
hmmm. adam is faithful as far as i know, so it must be that i get stressed out if my plans are not in order. the weird thing is that really after things get to a certain point i honestly don't give a shit. that's why i don't quite get the bree thing. one of the questions was "do you spy on your neighbors?" well, obviously!
Am I the only one who thinks that the sense of doom and gloom in that series is totally artificial? I mean, what are those women so desperate about?
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