- hugging, kissing and noozeling on command
- new words: book, shoe, ball, bottle, balloon, mama & josh and "mmmmm"
- sitting in a forward-facing car seat
- stacking objects and destroying items
- snapping her fingers (attempting to!)
- "sitting like a big girl"
- answering to:
- "what do dinosaurs and doggies say?"
- "how big are you?"
- "where is your tongue?"
- growing to 31 inches tall and 23 pounds

kylinn at toys "r" us receiving her balloon, crown, bubbles and $1.00 gift card. (she picked out sesame street keys, which forced me to chip in the remainder of the purchase.)
How exciting. I am so happy for the three of you!
Meagan, Birthday or not, why are you updating your blog before 6am ?
with love,
my dear nicol,
my computer thinks that we live on the west coast, and i am far too lazy to correct it. i usually update between 7:30 and 8:30, when i have had my caffine.
cheers, dude
for once in my life i am more than prepared! have fun on your wine-ing adventure!
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